WordPress Tutorial For Beginners | Create an Ecommerce Website In Under 15 Minutes

hey how's it going guys John Santos andwelcome to this channel we helpentrepreneurs start and grow theirbusiness ace up now in today's videowhat I'm going to cover is how to launcha WordPress website so you're able toset up your e-commerce platform andstart selling online let's get started[Music]so thanks for joining me on this videoguys like I mentioned my goal is to getthis video out to you guys to be able toknow exactly what it takes to launch ane-commerce website through a platformlike WordPress now in order for you toinstall WordPress you're going to need ahosting package hosting package allowsyou to store all your files on the webthat way it can be accessible all overthe world I highly recommend that youguys consider Bluehost is one of thehosting options out there I personallyuse them for all my websites andhonestly to have some great customerservice they have some great ratings andthey never let you down but most butthey haven't let me down yet so yeahanyways I highly recommend you guysconsider them you can use the links inmy description now we allow them tocontinue helping entrepreneurs out therethat are looking for this content we'llget started by clicking on that link andthen we'll jump right into it alrightsoon as you click on the link ondescription it's going to take you tothis main page what this is this is yourhosting package that we talked aboutlike I mentioned there has been a greatpackage which will start up so as youcan see it has really easy one-clickinstall 24/7 they have a money-backguarantee to the beauty of it is thatyou have 30 days to decide of differencefor you if it's not to give you yourmoney no gimmicks they litter the daylegitimate refund your money and theyalso give you over $150 in Google offersyou can migrate your whole website theycan get you up and rolling if you don'twant to do any of those features but ifyou're just starting out on your websitethen you're going to kit right – thisincludes a free domain for 349 a monthand including free domain free websitebuilder one-click install a 24/7 supportso you're going to choose your packageguys you're just loading up you alwayshave the option to update the package sofor the most part to figure out what youwant to do what you click on thatdollars Arianism a you can just chooseit whatever you want it to be prettyrobust site please look at it it's a lotbut we're going to go right through theWordPress tool then you're going tochoose the domain you want to rush it soonce you fill out this information herein the new install it on a successfulinside it you want to hit the refreshmake sure you write down the names ofwhatever you of whatever information youcreated for this blog in so what we'regoing to do here is literally going tologin to the work website so once youlog in from your Bluehost it'll take youto the WordPress dashboard the dashboardpretty much controlled where your sitehow your site looks and how it operatesso on the left here you're going to havethe Home tab update post media this iswhere you going to upload any imagery orany content that you want your site tohave the different pages that you wantto create new pages for the purpose ofthis video we're not going to buy atheme this is the doctrine Eric templatethat comes with it very difficult tocustomize in my opinion if it's yourfirst time all in you and try to botherwith it for the most part your websiteis going to be posted on WooCommerce soit's going to be like if you guys chooseany of the themes that are availabledirectly through this it may notintegrate completely with it very nicelyso the best time for you to have is togo directly to the site that you'regoing to be hosting your shoppingthrough so pretty much WordPress doesn'thave its own shopping cart per se it'san actual plugin called WooCommerce headon over to their site and what you'll dois you'll be able to look at the themesavailable or you can also hit on over tothe bottom and look at the differentthemes that you have available so as youcan see these are a little bit pricey 45they're not too bad though I mean forthe most part if you find one that youreally like the layout from and itmatches the brand that you're trying tocreate as they pay for itit saves you time from having toactually code it and try to design ityourself the other option is to godirectly to the WooCommerce site I wantto go to that head on over to the themesand what it is this is going to be thestorefront themes is going to give youexactly what it is you're looking foronto the different options availablesome are paid some luckily for thepurpose of this one we're going to gowith the free one to download it you'rejust going to hit Add to Cart and thenyou come over to this side continue it'sfree but for the most part it's going tojust allow you to confirm yourinformation here I already downloaded itso just go to the process you ever gethere alright once you downloaded just goback to your actual WordPress backwardsand then what you're going to do isyou're going to upload and we've onlyseen two at the top of the themes pageyou're just going to hit upload whatthis means you're literally going toupload files that you have alright sowe're going to be upload theme I got goahead and choose a file click on the ziphit upload when you can tell me you justuploaded your actual theme so not beclipped on over to the themepart you'll see that this is your teamdetail here you're going to want toactivate it in order for it to be comingyour stores actual site once youactivate it it's going to tell you thatit comes with you're going to need theWooCommerce plugin downloadable commercetoolkit and you're going to activate theplug-in so this is actually going toactivate your ecommerce site nowWooCommerce is essentially a plugin thatallows you to have a ecommerce site onany WordPress theme but morespecifically if a wordpress theme isdesigned for e-commerce WooCommerce willplug right up into it and their workhand on hand all rights important thatyour site is either set up forWooCommerce or you're going to come intoa little bit of custom customizationyou're going to need to do it so keepthat in mind alright so if you want torun through the actual setup here to putup whether it will tell you exactly paiddream so payment Google commerce canaccept checkout with PayPal or check outwith stripeclick on those two the bulk are greatoptions stripe integrates directly toyour website PayPal has pay with PayPaloption so I recommend that you have bothonce you set up the WooCommercedashboard is going to happen is going totake you right through the product pagenow with a product pager is going toallow you to set your product image thisis what people are going to see so forinstance I'm going to use that you justupload those I'm already have mineuploaded so it's on there so recommendedthat you do a square that way it staysproportionate all around throughout thewebsite you try to keep it on a squarebase I'd recommend less than a megabytebut some some someone says don't reallymatter because it down size on yourselfbut just go ahead and make sure they'resquare with however you want to look andthen the product gallery images whichmeans anything on the inside that youwant them to see you out thereyour product description is going to gohere so whatever it is that you want totalk about at price points 39 anyinventory SKU numbers that you want totalk about if you want it to managestock right directly on the website youcan tell it you know how many colors youhave allowed back orders but do you wantpeople to allow them to notify them orlet them know that they can buy itwithout it being available the shippingyou know it'll let you know how muchweight will make sure you wear your poda product there's anything that you wantto link to it because of the optionshere there's a lot of different optionsavailable for you to really manage andtake advantage of and then once you'reready once you fill out the informationthat you want to show go ahead and justput publish alright guys so you're goingto want to put up your settings for theactual pluginalright so whatever that is meaningwhere you base that up with city stateswhere are you going to be selling allcountry in there or you're not going todo international let them know theirshipping location all of thisinformation make sure you fill it out indetail with however with whatever you'replanning on doing when it comes toproduct that also ask you someinformation about products so whatyou're going to want to do is go ontothe wool commerce set up your settingsmake sure you set up the general theproduct the shipping the checkout theaccount the emails and anything relatedto actually processing yourself makesure you get into them make sure youreally spend some time in and learningabout all your different options on howit could save you some money as well orsave the customer some money so thathelps them also check out so for thepurpose of this video we're not going toset up those options is when it will beanother three hours video and now forthe most part once you setup thesettings you set up your orders you canset up your coupons instead of report itreally gives you all the options thatyou need to run an e-commerce websitefull commerce stuff and now if you'realso looking for any sliders or anythingyou're going to want to make sure youhit a anything that you're looking forwhether it be sliders whether it bebanners like whatever it is you can youcan look for them in the in the pluginssection you can just hit add new forinstance I uploaded a slider here andwhat this does is it allows us to add aslider to the home page calledresponsive slider you can upload yourown images onto it and then if you comeon to the home page as you can seethere's a slider here now I started looklike a shopping site so here we have theshop I remember I uploaded that oneproduct so you guys are able to see theproduct here I mean it it really givesyou the ability to look through it toreally customize it there is some workinvolved with it I just know that upfront so you're able to plan for thatand you're able to budget some timeahead of thathere's the pages this is the pages thatare on the front of the site with youexactly what you see up at the front ifyou have made some private you can youcan edit these directly from here andthen there's a media that you're goingto be using in this media you couldliterally upload your images that youwant to use and then you can referencethem so even if you want to embed themin something else this is it this is theURL where there's a store onlineonce again I highly recommend that youguys consider purchasing a pasty mytheme that I've already built and it's afunction the third one has a certainaesthetic because it will help you withbuilding something up but nonethelessyou can make things look however youwant it to look an example of a themethat we have that I actually found anduse this exact theme was this websiteR&B jewelry net which has a lot ofdifferent products available for salebut you can see they have a lot ofdifferent options to have up theirhomepage has a very well presentation itwas very intuitive and then there's aneven simpler one one of the legaciesthat made it very simple they made itmore of a membership style for you youcan make it as intricate as simple orcomplicated as you want it to be at theend of the day it's really up to youdon't get discouraged as how this looksright now it goes you're going to haveto work on it and really and really putsome content into it and don't be afraidto get your hands dirty and brokenthings in the process all right probablylearned it probably grover's was one ofmy websites and started growing Asia Ibought off of theme and actually work onit on myself on the back end 70 you guyssee creative menu and all of that so forthe most part once you guys startediting it you'll see it's a little bitsimpler than then what it seems to bebut when you first get started things alittle bit complicated so you want togive it a shot see the link in thedescription and let's get to it so thereyou have it guys I hope this video washelpful in order for you to really gaugewhat it is you're getting yourself intowhen launching a wordpress site with ane-commerce option now for the most partwork customs historically been ablogging platform which is the reasonwhy it takes a little bit of extra stepsand a little bit of moving around inorder to launch your ecommerce site butfor the most part there are literallythousands of themes available and Ihighly highly highly recommend that yougo check out the theme store which isalso linked down below in my descriptionyou guys can really truly create awebsite that that looks and feels theway that you wanted to without havingthe custom code anything or custom codevery little things so let's say guys Ihope the video was helpful please sharewith a friend subscribe to the channellike comment down below if you have anyquestions let's continue on this journeytogether and let's make this a bigsuccessful win for everyone involved[Music]
