You Will Learn Internet Marketing For Beginners In This Video…

hey hey how's it going Aaron Chen here
hope you're doing well if you'rewatching this video right now then
you're probably doing a bit of researchon YouTube on internet marketing for
beginners okay so you want to get intointernet marketing you don't really know
how to get started well over the nextfew minutes I'm gonna be talking about
exactly how you can get started ininternet marketing what are some of the
different options that you have ininternet marketing okay and I'll give
you a solution at the end if that's whatyou want to do right for those of you
who are watching my video for the firsttime my name is Erin Chen I'm an online
entrepreneur I've been online for nineyears eight of those nine years though
failed really miserably made a lot ofmistakes really cut my teeth earned my
stripes took me a long time to reallyfigure this stuff out and the thing
about internet marketing is it's a greatindustry to be in but there are very
very few people who really understandhow to do it well because it can be
quite complicated if it's not explainedto you clearly okay so over the last
year though had a lot of successgenerated over a thousand sales in my
business all through internet marketingI want to show you how to do that as
well so if you're looking for moreinformation on internet marketing for
beginners then you're in the right placeand I'm gonna really enjoy sharing this
information with you todayokay so internet marketing what are some
of the things that you can do onlinewell essentially internet marketing is
just I would say promoting any type ofproduct on the Internet
right so it doesn't matter what thatproduct is it could be a physical
product you know like a proper weightloss powder or maybe a green super
powder or whatever it is right maybeeven you know selling clothes online or
doing a bit of e-commerce or it couldalso be selling digital products right
so perhaps some sort of digitalinformation product that teaches you how
to you know lose weight or get a 6-packor stop your dog from peeing on the
carpet or maybe you know you want tolearn how to generate leads on Facebook
these are all digital products that youcan download from the internet from some
sort of membership website okay sointernet marketing has everything to do
with that I mean it could even be youknow some sort of MLM multi-level
marketing or network marketing businesswhere you promote that program
on the internet right so instead of youknow speaking to your friends and family
or your you know your postman orgrabbing someone randomly in a
supermarket you actually learn how togenerate leads on the internet and you
get them into your network marketingbusiness through the internet so that
that's possible too so it can really beany sort of promotion as long as you're
using the internet for it I wouldconsider that as internet marketing
right you could even sell Amazonproducts okay so there are a lot of
people online that are very good atreselling Amazon products so physical
goods from Amazon they become an Amazonaffiliate and every time they sell an
Amazon product they get if they get avery small percentage of commission from
Amazon okay so that's that's prettychallenging to do you can even do a BAE
you can sort of you know buy ebayproducts and then resell them at a
slight profit okay and then you get tokeep that profit and that's kind of how
you generate it on the top right there'salso things like you're creating your
own software so once you reallyunderstand you know the industry and
what internet marketers need in theirbusiness you could actually hire some
sort of software developer to develop asoftware for you and then you become the
owner of that software and then you sellit to internet marketers that that need
that program right I'll give you aperfect example so in internet marketing
you need certain things you need certaintools right you need an autoresponder
right you need a tracking system youneed a funnel builder a website builder
right now if you understood that youcould essentially hire a web developer
to develop some sort of trackingsoftware or funnel building software or
you know autoresponder software and youcould market that you can become the
product owner the software owner and youcould sell this program or these
programs these tools to internetmarketers ok that's also considered
internet marketing there's so manydifferent I would say verticals within
the internet marketing space that youcould get really good at ok but the
thing is is where to get started rightbecause it could it can be very very
complicated if you don't really knowwhat you're doing and that's the whole
thing about internet marketing I wouldsay the easiest thing to to focus on it
and this is what I did so over the lastnine years I've I've tried many many
different business modelsyou know I've tried to fill it marketing
I've tried to talk to your sales I'vetried ecommerce I've done network
marketing you know a lot of differentthings that I've promoted right and I
found that some business models work alittle bit better than others some can
be very complicated and some can be alittle bit more straightforward right
and the one that I like the best isaffiliate marketing
I find that affiliate marketing is themost straightforward it's the one that
you know focuses on selling productinstead of recruiting people so you
don't get shut down by the FTCgovernments are completely fine with
affiliate marketing and affiliatemarketing goes back a long long way and
if you think about a lot of the bigcompanies out there like you know Sears
and Target and Tesco and Amazon allthese big retailers actually offline
retailers a lot of them have their ownaffiliate marketing programs okay so
it's a completely legitimate businessmodel that's what I like about it the
other thing that I like about affiliatemarketing is that you don't have to
create the product from scratch right soyou can eventually you know once you you
get the expertise you can become aproduct owner
but until then you probably don't knowenough to create your own product right
so what you can do is you can go tothese huge affiliate networks like
Amazon or Clickbank or jvzoo and you canliterally grab a product you don't even
have to buy them if you don't want to Irecommend that you do so that you know
what you're selling but if you don'twant to buy them you can literally just
pick them up from these marketplaces andresell them as an internet marketer okay
and when you sell that product issomeone who needs it and you generate a
sale you get to keep a percentage of theCommission now it could be 50 percent
all the way up to 90 percent someprograms even you know give you up to a
hundred percent on the front end and theway that they make money is they make
money on the back end products that yousell once you get people into the funnel
okay so lots of different things butthere are a lot of reasons why affiliate
marketing is one of the best and it'sit's also one of the main reasons why I
continue to market affiliate productstoday because I found that all the years
of marketing and you know makingmistakes and you know having different
accounts shut down and you know having afew network marketing companies that I
was a part of gets shut down over theyears because they were focusing on the
wrong thing they were focusing onrecruitment
of people into the business rather thanselling product right which is the which
is the right thing to doI found that affiliate marketing is the
most stable it's the most long-term andit's the most straightforward business
model – actually it's actually get intowhen it comes to internet marketing for beginners okay now the thing that you have to getreally good at when it comes to
affiliate marketing is you need tounderstand how to become a very good
online marketer okay so you have tounderstand how to pick the right product
and then get very good at sending a lotof traffic and eyeballs to that program
right and some of the ways that you cansend traffic are methods like Facebook
you know you can go to Facebook and youknow buy ads on the ad platform you can
go to YouTube you can do free YouTubevideos rank the videos and get people to
watch them that's how you can generatetraffic you can also pay for YouTube
views as well so you can use the YouTubead platform and pay for your videos to
get ranked for certain keywords you canuse Google Google Adwords so that's
pay-per-click marketing where you knowif you if you actually Google a keyword
right like let's just say you know howto lose weight today right and then when
you go onto Google you'll see a lot ofyou know different organic ranked
searches right AdWords is basicallyright at the top where there's like one
or two or three you're basically payingfor that spot and when people click on
it you pay per click okay now the costof the click depends on how competitive
the keyword that you're going for is sofor example you know a financial keyword
might be a little bit more expensivethan a weight loss keyword for example
okay I don't really know what differentindustries have different it's about
supply and demand and some are moreexpensive than others right what else
you could have a blog or some sort ofwebsite and rank on Google for you know
particular keywords so a lot of peopledo that they have some sort of website
they have some sort of blog and they'veoptimized their website for specific
keywords so maybe you're in the you knowI like to use weight loss because it's
very easy right so weight loss I mean isit easy as an example not as a not as a
niche market but if you're in the weightloss industry you could have a weight
loss blog okay that teaches people howto lose weight or maybe get six-pack abs
or get really ripped as a guy or girlit is and maybe your ranking for
specific keyword terms like how do howto get how to get six-pack abs so it's a
six word keyword phrase and you actuallyrank your articles for specific keywords
like that that's called SEO okay searchengine optimization right it's a little
bit more complicated it's a bit moretechnical but this is one of the ways
that a lot of people generate a lot oftraffic is imagine if you are in the
weight loss niche right and you had ablog that you've been building for the
last you know six twelve you know Idon't know 20 months and you're ranking
on the first page of Google in the firstsecond or third position for keyword
phrases like how to lose weight you knowhow to get six-pack ads how to lose
thirty pounds you know in 2017 or youknow just as an example I mean you would
be driving a lot of traffic because youknow a keyword like how to lose weight
is a very very high volume search termokay a lot of people want to learn how
to lose weight all over the world notjust in you know not just in the US or
in Australia and Asia but all over theworld people are trying to find out how
to lose weight so it depends on whatniche market you're in but that's
basically what SEO is okay so there area lot of different ways you can even
speak to influences right so if youthink of you know places like Instagram
or YouTube right on Facebook there are alot of into influences that have a lot
of traffic a lot of people that arecoming to that they already have in
their network so take Instagram forexample right there are a lot of
different themed channels in Instagramyou know some talked about success so
I'm talking about weight loss I'mtalking to some talk about makeup and
beauty and if you find these influencesand you speak to them and maybe you pay
them a little bit of money to promoteyour website they might get all of their
users to see your particular website andthey might have a million followers so
imagine if they did a post to theirmillion followers saying hey you know
I've got a friend Aaron or you know billor James or Lucy she's got a really cool
website that teaches you how to loseweight you know go and check it out if
you want to if you want to learn how todo it and they send their million
viewers to your link I meanthat can be very very powerful right so
another way to get a lot of traffic isto use what what you call influences
social media influences today rightanother way is is also to get on social
media okay so whether it's you knowFacebook or Facebook or Instagram you
can build a following for free butthat's very very time-consuming okay so
these are some of the ways that youdrive traffic towards your affiliate
offer okay but the important thing hereis is it's not just about doing that
it's about adding a lot of value to yoursubscribers lives right because if
you're just settings traffic straight toyour affiliate program believe me when I
say that a lot of people will they won'tbuy your stuff right because people
online these days are being sold toevery single second of the day you can
imagine how many emails people are beingbombarded with on a daily basis not just
online my offline as well the rightonline billboards when you go into
shopping malls when you're driving onthe road you know when you go into a
supermarket this content advertisingeverywhere right so people are getting
very desensitized to online marketingwhich is why it's very important for you
to understand how to add value to yourprospects life before you ask them for
the sale okay now I call that the valueseries I've built something in between
my traffic sauce and my program I callit the value series okay and that is
basically it's a series of videos thatadds a lot of value to the prospect
based on the topic that they opted infor so if they opted in to your list
your email list for weight loss I createa value series specifically on weight
loss I teach them free tips and trickson how to lose weight and I don't charge
them anything for that I just you know Ilearn about the topic I become an expert
and then I teach them through videoslike this okay it's very very simple if
you know how to do it right and that isthe best way to get very very successful
at affiliate marketing okay because whatpeople know like and trust you they buy
your stuff so I hope you know thislittle crash course you know I don't
want to take too much of your time hereon YouTube but if you want to learn
internet marketing you know forbeginners then this is I would say focus
on affiliate marketingfocus on your personal skill set focus
on getting very good at marketing anddriving leads to some sort of affiliate
offer and understand how to create a lotof value in your prospects lives instead
of just going for the sale because ifyou're constantly just going for the
sale what will happen is people are notgonna buy you're gonna end up spending a
lot of money on your traffic and you'regonna get a negative ROI a negative
return on investment which means thatyour business is going to be in the
negative which means you're not makingany money okay which is why a lot of
internet marketers end up failingbecause they don't understand that they
have to build value and trust andauthority with the people that they're
driving leads to you know their audiencebasically people that are watching your
stuff and getting your emails they'recalled your audience right and if they
don't know like and trust you becauseyou're not adding any value then they're
not ever gonna buy from you okay so letme know what you thought in the comments
below was that you know kind of easy tounderstand you know did I break that
down simple enough for you because Iknow that you know you probably don't
have that much experience so I wanted tokind of break it down show you some of
the options and explain to you the bestways to convert your leads into sales
because I want you to be profitable inyour internet marketing for beginners business okay so let me know in the comments below whatyou thought let me know if you have any
questions does that make sense right areyou gonna try this yourself okay now if
you want to learn how to create a valueseries if you want to learn how I built
my affiliate marketing business how Iturned nine years or eight years of
failure into one year of really bigsuccess I want to show you how to do
that okay so all you need to do if youwant to its click on the link right
below this video you'll see a littlelink there it's gonna lead you to my my
my website and my training program andI'm gonna take you by the hand and show
you step-by-step how I built myaffiliate marketing business I want to I
want to teach you how to do that okaybecause if I can shortcut nine years of
your online marketing career then Ithink I would have done my job
and it would be great to see you havesome success as well alright so let me
know what you thought of this videothumbs up please if if you you you got
some value from this and you cansubscribe to my channel too if you want
there's a redbut just please click on that I'm always
releasing videos like this and yeah ifyou want to learn a little bit more I
would love to teach you that stuff andyou can get access to that by clicking
on the link below so have a great dayyou know today's Saturday I'm going for
a barbecue right now I hope you have anawesome weekend and remember to take
massive action in your business and lifeall right this is our inch and I'll
speak to you soon take care
